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CNDGG 01000 Dried Galangal|In-Store

CNDGG 01000 Dried Galangal|In-Store

Dried Galangal
✅ Warm Our Body
🌶 Spicy
⭕️ Remove Fishy & Mutton
⭕️ Increase Fragrance
🍽 Suitable For Salad, Marinade
Stewed Meat, Hot Pot Soup Base
🍽 Recommended Dishes
🔴 Marinade Bag
🌶 Sichuan Spiced Braised Beef Shank
Origin: China Weight: 38g/pack or 150g/pack

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CNDGG 01000

Dried Galangal

Dried Galangal


✅ Warm Our Body


🌶 Spicy


⭕️ Remove Fishy & Mutton

⭕️ Increase Fragrance

🍽 The Best Cooking Method

🍽 Suitable For Salad, Marinade, Stewed Meat, Hot Pot Soup Base

🍽 Recommended Dishes 🍽

🔴 Chaozhou Style Marinade Bag 🔴

【Marinade Bag Ingredients

Fennel -------- 3g

Star Anise -------- 10g

Sichuan Peppercorn -------- 5g

Cinnamon -------- 8g

Dried Galangal / Sand Ginger -------- 15g

Cao Guo -------- 2 Pieces

Cloves -------- 5g

Bay Leaf -------- 3g

Chen Pi -------- 8g

Luo Han Guo -------- 1/4 Piece

Marinade Sauce Ingredients

Fresh Coriander -------- 20g

Sugar -------- 120g

Green Onion -------- 3 Sticks

Ginger -------- 20g

Water -------- 1600c.c

Soy Sauce -------- 400c.c

Oyster Sauce -------- 100c.c

Huadiao Wine -------- 100c.c

Smoked Jinshan Garlic -------- 20g

Salt -------- 1 Teaspoon

* Adjust The Serving Size According To Personal Taste

【Serving Size】

2-3 people

【Cooking Method】


< Set Aside >

(Marinade Bag)

Put all Marinade Bag Ingredients into the cotton bag to be the Marinade Bag


(Marinade Sauce)

Put the Green Onion, Ginger & Water into the pot

cook on medium heat until the water boils

Add Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce and Huadiao Wine and cook for 2 minutes

After boiling, add Sugar, Coriander, Smoked Jinshan Garlic, Salt & Marinade Bag

Turn to low heat and boil for about 5 minutes until the aroma comes out



Cao Guo must be patted open to get more flavour

* Traditional Chaozhou Style Marinade Bag MUST add Dried Galangal

Marinade Bag can make all kinds of Marinated Dishes

Such as Marinated Pork, Marinated Chicken, Marinated Goose

Marinated Tofu, Marinated Eggs

Recommend Related Products

---- Chen Pi >>> BUY

---- Fennel >>> BUY

---- Star Anise >>> BUY

---- Sichuan Peppercorn >>> BUY

---- Smoked Jinshan Garlic >>> BUY

🍽 Recommended Dishes 🍽

🌶 Sichuan Spiced Braised Beef Shank 🌶


Beef Shank -------- 800g


Fujian King of Pepper -------- 10 Pieces

Cao Guo -------- 2 Pieces

Bay Leaf -------- 4-5 Pieces

Cinnamon -------- 6g

Dried Galangal -------- 10g

Star Anise -------- 6 g

Sichuan Peppercorn -------- 10g

Ginger -------- 20g

Green Onion -------- 5g

Smoked Jinshan Garlic -------- Piece

Salt -------- 15g

Sichuan Pixian Broad Bean Sauce With Chili Oil -------- 1 Tablespoon

Chu Hou Paste -------- 1/2 Teaspoon

Soy Sauce -------- 20g

Dark Soy Sauce -------- 5g

Oil -------- Moderate

Water -------- 1000ml

【Salad Ingredients

Fresh Red Pepper -------- 1 Piece

Coriander -------- Moderate

Aged Vinegar -------- Moderate

Sesame Oil -------- Moderate

White Sesame Seeds -------- Moderate

* Adjust The Serving Size According To Personal Taste

【Serving Size】

2-3 people

【Cooking Method】


< Set Aside >

Grind Garlic into puree, slice Ginger, shred Fresh Red Pepper & Coriander

After the beef is washed, the beef is slightly cooked and turned and picked up


(Spicy Marinade)

Raise the frying pan, pour the Green Onion and sliced ​​Ginger until fragrant

Pour in Fujian King of Pepper, Cao Guo, Bay Leaf, Cinnamon

Dried Galangal, Star Anise, Sichuan Peppercorn to stir well

Add Broad Bean Sauce & Chu Hou Paste to stir well

Pour about 1000ml of Water

Add Salt, Soy Sauce, Dark Soy Sauce and mix it well

After boiling, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes


Prepare the Spicy Marinade in advance

Put the Beef Shank to cook for 20 minutes on high heat

Then turn to low heat and cook for one hour

Cooked beef soaked into Spicy Marinade

All the freshly Cooked Ingredients are stir-fried in the pan


After cooling thoroughly, put the Beef Shank in the refrigerator for one day
Then take out the sliced ​​salad
Sprinkle with Garlic, Fresh Red Pepper, Spicy Marinade
Vinegar, Sesame Oil, White Sesame & Coriander


* Chu Hou Paste can be used or not

* Green Onion only is used White colour part (Top) of the whole onion

* Test whether the Beef Shank is cooked

After boiling on low heat for an hour, try to poke the Beef Shank with chopsticks

It can penetrate smoothly and feel a little resistance

* After the Beef Shank is soaked in Spicy Marinade and 

kept in the refrigerator for one day, the taste will be stronger & delicious

Spicy Marinade can be boiled with ingredients

such as Pork, Tofu, Eggs, etc. into different dishes

Recommend Related Products

---- Sichuan Pixian Broad Bean Sauce With Chili Oil >>> BUY

---- Fujian King of Pepper >>> BUY

---- Smoked Jinshan Garlic >>> BUY

---- Star Anise >>> BUY

---- Sichuan Peppercorn >>> BUY


38g/pack or 150g/pack




Hong Kong


38g/pack or 150g/pack


Dried Galangal


We Recommend To Store In A 

Normal Temperature Environment 

Odourless Place And Avoid Sunlight


Please consult a professional doctor 

before eating this product

Although the product comes from 

the same source of origin

due to different growth environment

different batches

different sizes

 specifications or thicknesses 

will eventually appear

Picture may have a colour difference 

depending on factors such as light or display

All materials and pictures are for reference only

please refer to the actual product

Delivery Service Arrangements

Hong Kong Local Delivery Services

This product is only available in Hong Kong.

International Delivery Services

Pay Attention!!!

This Product Cannot Deliver To Oversea.

Please read our "Delivery Policy" for more details.

Return And Exchange And Refund Service Arrangements

Hong Kong After Sales Services

This product is eligible for a 

7-Days Guarantee Return and Exchange service. 

The product MUST meet our 

Return & Exchange Standards, 

otherwise we cannot offer 

Return And Exchange And Refund Service 

even in 7-Days Guarantee Return Period. 

International After Sales Services

Pay Attention!!!

We Don't Provide 

Return And Exchange And Refund Service 

For All Oversea Order.

* Except For Special Circumstances.

For more details, please read our "Return Policy", 

"Exchange Policy" and "Refund Policy".

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • S.F. Express - EF Locker Pickup
  • S.F. Express - Centre Pickup
  • S.F. Express - Store Pickup
  • S.F. Express - Circle K Store Pickup
  • S.F. Express - 7-11 Store Pickup
  • S.F. Express - Office / Home Delivery

Payment Options

  • Octopus
  • PayMe
  • Alipay (HK)_SHOPLINE Payments
  • WeChat Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • FPS * Tag & Go Customers
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{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}